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Previous National Hubs

The speakers' input from the National Hubs are available here.


Previous National Hubs

National Hub - A Space for Leaders

March 2022


We are delighted to have Tim Raynes sharing at this hub. Tim is part of the team leading King’s Church Inverness and the Mission Development Manager for Scripture Union Scotland.

Ps 13 read by Stan Lyth









National Hub - Start the year Together

January 2022


Sarah Dowling from King's Inverness has a message with tools for a good start to the year.





National Hub - Finish the year Together

December 2021


Our guest speaker input from Bill Thompson.








National Hub - Times of Refreshing

November 2021


Keith Short shared from Philemon 1:1-7 and spoke about Kingdom Values.

Thankfulness, partnership, reconciliation, love, humility and how much more do we see in Jesus?


We are about the Kingdom of God on earth.  We will see growth, not because we have power but perhaps because we don't have power in this world.

Keep inspiring, challenging and helping each other.



National Hub - The Other Side of the Mountain

September 2021


Phil Arbon helped us imagine a stage performance of John 20:11 He points out the symbolism that brings excitement.

Turn, Encounter and Go

National Hub - Times of Refreshing

August 2021


Leadership starts from our inner-selves, our own personal transformation and our anxiety drives. Rupert Ward read from Mark 1:32 through the lens of anxiety. How are You?






National Hub - Times of Refreshing 

Jaime Lidstone shared on 2 Corinthiens 5:17

June 2021


We hope you enjoy Jaime Lidstone’s illustrations of 

  • Remember the old, appreciating the new

  • Instant Transformation: the process more than an occasion 

  • Recognising the radical transformation, newness and burgeons in me.  

  • The amount of things that we can manage to control, and the importance not to compare this threshold with others'.


Annual Gathering 

Stan Lyth with an update on Leadership Development

February 2021


Join us for the next national Hub on 5th May to continue the conversation regarding Discipleship and Leadership Development (8min)


National Hub - Strengthen Each Other

February 2021


How has another christian strengthened you?

How can we as a network strengthen each other?

Be encouraged by Phil Arbon's talk on strengthening each other and how the Lord strengthens us. (15min)


National Hub -

Hearing God Together  :  A look at communal discernment

November 2020


What does it mean to hear from God together as well as individually?

Stuart Aitken shares a few words on the topic of corporate discern-ment and the recourse that he recommends is the book Pursuing God's Will Together by Ruth Haley Barton.  


A wee reflection on Leadership and Resilience that is so essential in this season of leading into the unknown

- by Rupert Ward

On Wednesday, 9th September, we had a great Zoom Hub meeting where we explored how leaders can build resilience and longevity as we lead through the challenges of this season.


William Nisbet shared a few thoughts from Scripture and Rupert Ward shared some very practical ways in which we care for ourselves, before we broke into small groups to share and pray together. Lots of honest, helpful, conversation together. 

National Hub -

Race, the Other, and the Diverse Beauty of the Church

August 2020


At this Hub we explored why race and racial equality are still such important issues at this time, and how we can tackle racial inequality and injustice as leaders, churches and as a network? 


Here is the interview with Yinka Oyekan, who is the Senior Minister of The Gate, Reading, the President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and also the leader of The Turning.

We thank Laiyee Jamieson for being so brave to share this deep poem called The Race, with us.  You are so talented !

Wesley White, PhD, DMin comments on National Hub theme Race, the Other, and the Diverse Beauty of the Church

National Hub - Small is the new Big 

1 July 2020


Pete Anderson gives a 5min encouragement to think about discipleship, as a key emphasis for churches in the season of crisis and beyond.

National Hub - Leading through a season and not just a Sunday


The following articles were published prior to the Hub on 3 June.  

We discussed and read them through the lens of positioning our churches and organisations to thrive in the coming months and years. 


Listen to comments from Bill Nisbet and Hilary McNutt (5min each)


The articles are available here:

       why every organisation is now a start up and

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National Hub - Leading through a Season, not only a Sunday

6 May 2020


Listen to three church leaders from different context (5min each)


  • Chris Dowling - encouraging leaders to be like pilots when you identify with the five types of people in a crisis.

  • Don Palmer - Acts 2:47 The early church enjoyed favour from all the people and

  • Emma MacIntosh - Poverty of Hope

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Resources used by Dave Richards

Trends in culture and implications for the church Sep 2019

Slides for Trends in culture

SNC National Hub - May 2019 (1).png

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